970-317-2151 hello@ppos.co
Food Matters

Food Matters

Spring at PPOS is an exciting time. Snowy banks melt into muddy puddles, indoor planting turns to plans for outdoor planting, and memories of ski days become anticipation for farm days. Last Monday Mrs. Bruno’s first and second-graders headed to the downtown...

A Home and School Connection

Our food theme continues at PPOS, as students in the second/third-grade class bring this theme beyond their classroom walls and into their homes. Reviews of recipes, extensive draft writing of such recipes, collaborative cooking projects, and food documentaries have...
Feeding our Families and Community

Feeding our Families and Community

  Thirty pounds of carrots and forty pounds of potatoes sat in our fridge. Baskets of onions lined the shelves. These were the rewards of hard planting and harvesting work. And now what? Discussions about our intentions began. This is a school that shares nutritious...
Food Security in Pagosa: A Call to Action

Food Security in Pagosa: A Call to Action

They were excited to be chosen to participate in a new Project, despite not knowing what their role would be, or what the project entailed. This was not how the process typically began. We prefer a more organic and emergent way of starting Projects and involving...
Nourishment and Care

Nourishment and Care

  Pagosa Peak Open School has a new focus this year. Along with their place-based, project-based model, they have taken on food security as a priority. This lens has given staff a chance to look at our programs at school, our resources in the county, and the needs of...