970-317-2151 hello@ppos.co
PPOS Virtual Fit-A-Thon Deemed a Success

PPOS Virtual Fit-A-Thon Deemed a Success

COVID19 has forced every school across the globe to pivot and adjust how things are done. From a mixture of in-person and distance learning to virtual parent teacher conferences, school have learned to adapt and keep going through this novel time of change. The realm of school-fundraising is no exception, and COVID has forced schools to…

1st Grade Outdoor Play Area

1st Grade Outdoor Play Area

If you are turning into Walmart, you might notice some neon painted tires and logs poised in various positions in the field by the charter school. On any given day they may be spread out or stacked to make a tower. These bright additions to the field are part of a project designed and constructed by Pagosa Peak Open School’s 1st Grade.