Family Resources
School Supply Lists
Get a full list of supplies your child needs to start the school year. Lists are broken down by grade level.
School Calendars
Make sure you are up-to-date on events happening at PPOS and when school will not be in sesson. You can also find school hours and times for drop-off and pick-up.
Meal Program
Sign-up for your child to eat school provided meal and view the monthly menu.
Family Forms and Resourse
Find a forms and valubale links from the carpool app to contact information update form.
Family Handbook
Our handbook outlines the values, expectations and policies to ensure students have a positive learning experience.
Monthly Newsletters
Paying Fees
For your convience we have set up Paypal accounts so you can pay various fees online.
Snow Science: Connecting Students to Their Environment and Community
At the beginning of February, Pagosa Peak Open School ventured to Sonlight Camp for an educational exploration of snow science hosted by Audubon Rockies to learn how snow affects our mountain community. In addition to snowshoeing and animal tracking, our students used...
A Home and School Connection
Our food theme continues at PPOS, as students in the second/third-grade class bring this theme beyond their classroom walls and into their homes. Reviews of recipes, extensive draft writing of such recipes, collaborative cooking projects, and food documentaries have...
Feeding our Families and Community
Thirty pounds of carrots and forty pounds of potatoes sat in our fridge. Baskets of onions lined the shelves. These were the rewards of hard planting and harvesting work. And now what? Discussions about our intentions began. This is a school that shares nutritious...