Family Resources
School Supply Lists
Get a full list of supplies your child needs to start the school year. Lists are broken down by grade level.
School Calendars
Make sure you are up-to-date on events happening at PPOS and when school will not be in sesson. You can also find school hours and times for drop-off and pick-up.
Meal Program
Sign-up for your child to eat school provided meal and view the monthly menu.
Family Forms and Resourse
Find a forms and valubale links from the carpool app to contact information update form.
Family Handbook
Our handbook outlines the values, expectations and policies to ensure students have a positive learning experience.
Monthly Newsletters
Paying Fees
For your convience we have set up Paypal accounts so you can pay various fees online.
Spring Brings Snakes
Flowers, grass and weeds have been spotted pushing their way up through the soil on our playground. Quiet students at the top of the hill can hear frogs in the wetland outside our fence. And motionless children can see snakes. With their faces close to the ground,...
“ABCs of Gardening in Pagosa Springs” book release party!
On Thursday, March 22nd at 2:15 the PPOS 1st-3rd grade Pikas will host the first book release party at Pagosa Peak Open School. We will be presenting our book, ABCs of Gardening in Pagosa Springs. We would love for our families and community members to join us!
Family Literacy Night, February 8th @ 5:30
Join us for FAMILY LITERACY NIGHT on February 8th at 5:30! Families will be broken up into their child's literacy group, explore the current learning material, and participate in fun learning activities. Families will also have the opportunity to meet with...