Family Resources
School Supply Lists
Get a full list of supplies your child needs to start the school year. Lists are broken down by grade level.
School Calendars
Make sure you are up-to-date on events happening at PPOS and when school will not be in sesson. You can also find school hours and times for drop-off and pick-up.
Meal Program
Sign-up for your child to eat school provided meal and view the monthly menu.
Family Forms and Resourse
Find a forms and valubale links from the carpool app to contact information update form.
Family Handbook
Our handbook outlines the values, expectations and policies to ensure students have a positive learning experience.
Monthly Newsletters
Paying Fees
For your convience we have set up Paypal accounts so you can pay various fees online.
PPOS students investigate San Juans
Through a San Juan Mountain Range project, students researched the human uses, recreational opportunities, hazards, species, and geological histories of this range. On Friday, March 1 they shared this newfound knowledge with a group of 40 adults and their peers. The space filled with mountain models, maps, papers, experiments, artwork, skits and oral presentations. Every student was represented and presented.
Restorative Practices: the key to a healthy community
Hello, Nyx Rohrer is a student at Goal Academy and is a mentor high school student for our middle school Restorative Practices Student Board at Pagosa Peak Open School. She is an alumni of PPOS and one of the PPOS founding members to the Restorative Practices Student...
PPOS takes the stage at PCA
The Pagosa Center for the Arts was flooded with more than 200 people, ready to be entertained by Pagosa Peak Open School students who worked all semester on creating a seasonal variety show for the community. PPOS Creatives Advisor Rain March organized, facilitated,...