970-317-2151 hello@ppos.co
‘You are so Beautiful’

‘You are so Beautiful’

He leaned his face down toward a corn plant standing before him, gently holding the leaves with both hands. “You are so beautiful, you know that?” he said. “You keep growing and growing, you beautiful thing.” Other children gathered around him,...

You are my Friend

The school year has ended on an upswing at Pagosa Peak Open School, with drama camp, song writing, hikes, cooking, gardening and water play. The fourth- and fifth-graders worked together during the three weeks of the June session to write their own songs, which they...
Afternoon Adventuring

Afternoon Adventuring

Gardens, spiralizers, hikes, bugs, games, art and music filled our summer afternoons this June. Our typically mixed-age groups became even more mixed-age as children abandoned their homerooms and sorted themselves into four groups: Columbine, Pagosa Skyrocket,...
Construction and Cooking: An ice cream project

Construction and Cooking: An ice cream project

After noticing the disappearance of the kindergarten Roxaboxen area, Ms. Polly made a plan. “How do you feel about my group working to fix this space up?” she suggested. She had a group of first and second-graders looking for a project. The kindergarten...