Family Resources
School Supply Lists
Get a full list of supplies your child needs to start the school year. Lists are broken down by grade level.
School Calendars
Make sure you are up-to-date on events happening at PPOS and when school will not be in sesson. You can also find school hours and times for drop-off and pick-up.
Meal Program
Sign-up for your child to eat school provided meal and view the monthly menu.
Family Forms and Resourse
Find a forms and valubale links from the carpool app to contact information update form.
Family Handbook
Our handbook outlines the values, expectations and policies to ensure students have a positive learning experience.
Monthly Newsletters
Paying Fees
For your convience we have set up Paypal accounts so you can pay various fees online.
Pagosa Peak Open School Wins School Board Approval
The Pagosa Charter School Initiative (PCSI) board of directors, plus a dozen supportive members of the community, squeezed themselves into the cozy conference room at the Archuleta School District (ASD) administrative offices on Monday, November 14, to witness the...
Charter Application Submitted!
Today we sent in our 451-page charter application to the district Superintendent! She will have 15 days to review the application for completeness, then she passes it on to the District Accountability Committee that will also have 15 days to review, and then it...
UPDATE: Spring 2016
There have also been some hiccups. We lost six board members, who all realized that they didn’t have the time to commit to this project at this point in their lives, and now only three of the initial founding board remain…