970-317-2151 hello@ppos.co

PPOS Teaches through the COVID-19 School Closure

Remote Learning Until April 30, 2020 UPDATE: On April 1, 2020 Gov. Jared Polis extended statewide school closures to April 30, 2020. On March 18, Gov. Jared Polis issued an executive order that suspends in-person instruction at all public and private schools from...
Bird Festival

Bird Festival

Project Based Learning took flight last Wednesday evening at Pagosa Peak Open School. Kelle Bruno’s 1st and 2nd grade class has been studying different parts of bird bodies and their functions to answer the question, “What makes a bird a bird?” Students began their...
The Best Audience

The Best Audience

I’ve performed for a lot of different audiences over the years, but this crowd had me nervous. From Carnegie Hall to stand-up poetry slams, I thought I could handle any group of onlookers, but I had a feeling this audience would give me some real, raw feedback, for...
Pika Monitoring

Pika Monitoring

On Wednesday, October 23rd, 13 6th graders from Pagosa Peak Open School (PPOS), set out on a 1-mile uphill climb through early winter snow along the Continental Divide Trail with their teacher, Kelsey Wright, and Rockies’ Community Naturalist, Keith Bruno, to...