Family Resources
School Supply Lists
Get a full list of supplies your child needs to start the school year. Lists are broken down by grade level.
School Calendars
Make sure you are up-to-date on events happening at PPOS and when school will not be in sesson. You can also find school hours and times for drop-off and pick-up.
Meal Program
Sign-up for your child to eat school provided meal and view the monthly menu.
Family Forms and Resourse
Find a forms and valubale links from the carpool app to contact information update form.
Family Handbook
Our handbook outlines the values, expectations and policies to ensure students have a positive learning experience.
Monthly Newsletters
Paying Fees
For your convience we have set up Paypal accounts so you can pay various fees online.
Food Security in Pagosa: A Call to Action
They were excited to be chosen to participate in a new Project, despite not knowing what their role would be, or what the project entailed. This was not how the process typically began. We prefer a more organic and emergent way of starting Projects and involving...
‘Blues Box’ Dance Raises $20K for Pagosa Peak Open School
Music producers Blue Haas and DC Duncan, in cooperation with Pagosa Peak Open School, rolled out a fabulous community event last weekend…
Buck Institute Publishes Essay by Pagosa Peak Advisor Emily Murphy
While many adults were building a framework for their experience, children moved through their day without being asked about their visions for their school…