970-317-2151 hello@ppos.co

School News

You are my Friend

The school year has ended on an upswing at Pagosa Peak Open School, with drama camp, song writing, hikes, cooking, gardening and water play. The fourth- and fifth-graders worked together during the three weeks of the June session to write their own songs, which they...

Afternoon Adventuring

Afternoon Adventuring

Gardens, spiralizers, hikes, bugs, games, art and music filled our summer afternoons this June. Our typically mixed-age groups became even more mixed-age as children abandoned their homerooms and sorted themselves into four groups: Columbine, Pagosa Skyrocket,...

Construction and Cooking: An ice cream project

Construction and Cooking: An ice cream project

After noticing the disappearance of the kindergarten Roxaboxen area, Ms. Polly made a plan. "How do you feel about my group working to fix this space up?" she suggested. She had a group of first and second-graders looking for a project. The kindergarten space had been...

Spreading the Word

"I think we should try shame. Shame, shame shame on you! We can make them feel bad and then maybe people won't litter," Bella said. "I prefer to call it 'educational guilt-tripping'," Carlo said. "We could say, 'If you ever want to see a cat again, don't litter,'"...

Staying Close to Nature

"Look at this!" Blake said, holding up a pine cone and a book. The cone he found looked exactly like the picture he was attempting to point out. "This is a blue spruce tree we're sitting under!" Until this moment we were calling it the "fort tree," since the...

Our Earth, Our Responsibility

      “Why are people so lazy?” Shelton asked, leaning over to pick a piece of trash out of the grass that ran alongside the new bike path. “It really makes me so mad.” Others agreed. “They could just leave it in their car or their pocket – or throw it in the...

Spring Brings Snakes

Flowers, grass and weeds have been spotted pushing their way up through the soil on our playground. Quiet students at the top of the hill can hear frogs in the wetland outside our fence. And motionless  children can see snakes. With their faces close to the ground,...